Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 2009

Duncan is doing great and growing and Dower is still loving being a big brother. This month Dower started his soccer season and scored 2 goals in his first game and 1 goal in his second game and is loving it. Anything that involves him running, he is all about. He actually ran a mile the other day with his daddy. He ran from the Circle C pool all the way to the house for those of you in the neighborhood and only stopped once to tie his shoe. So like I said he really enjoys running. MiMi and PaPa made a couple of visits to see Duncan this month. Also O'Neil and Roger came one weekend to meet him and Rachel and Winfred came the next weekend. So it was a fun month. Yes that is Winfred in the batman cape and mask playing with Dowerbelow. I'm not sure who had more fun,him or Dower. It was great!

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