Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 2009

Duncan is doing great and growing and Dower is still loving being a big brother. This month Dower started his soccer season and scored 2 goals in his first game and 1 goal in his second game and is loving it. Anything that involves him running, he is all about. He actually ran a mile the other day with his daddy. He ran from the Circle C pool all the way to the house for those of you in the neighborhood and only stopped once to tie his shoe. So like I said he really enjoys running. MiMi and PaPa made a couple of visits to see Duncan this month. Also O'Neil and Roger came one weekend to meet him and Rachel and Winfred came the next weekend. So it was a fun month. Yes that is Winfred in the batman cape and mask playing with Dowerbelow. I'm not sure who had more fun,him or Dower. It was great!

February 2009

January 2009

Ok so it's been almost a year since I posted. But now with the arrival of Duncan William Powell on January 2009, hopefully I will post more regularly this year. So enjoy some pics from the birth of Duncan.


Everyone has been wondering how Dower is doing with the arrival of Duncan. This video will give you a glimpse of just how Dower feels about his little brother.This is Dower with Duncan.