Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 2009

Duncan is doing great and growing and Dower is still loving being a big brother. This month Dower started his soccer season and scored 2 goals in his first game and 1 goal in his second game and is loving it. Anything that involves him running, he is all about. He actually ran a mile the other day with his daddy. He ran from the Circle C pool all the way to the house for those of you in the neighborhood and only stopped once to tie his shoe. So like I said he really enjoys running. MiMi and PaPa made a couple of visits to see Duncan this month. Also O'Neil and Roger came one weekend to meet him and Rachel and Winfred came the next weekend. So it was a fun month. Yes that is Winfred in the batman cape and mask playing with Dowerbelow. I'm not sure who had more fun,him or Dower. It was great!

February 2009

January 2009

Ok so it's been almost a year since I posted. But now with the arrival of Duncan William Powell on January 2009, hopefully I will post more regularly this year. So enjoy some pics from the birth of Duncan.


Everyone has been wondering how Dower is doing with the arrival of Duncan. This video will give you a glimpse of just how Dower feels about his little brother.This is Dower with Duncan.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

March 2008

Ok, while I admit February was pretty boring, March was super busy. We had stuff going on every weekend, and I have included some pics below from some of it. Dower's Godma, Rachel, and Winfred came to visit, the Bonilla's had a crawfish boil, we went to Dallas to watch Valerie play volleyball and for Dower to see his Godfather, O'Neil in Ft. Worth, Parker came down from Maine, Easter weekend, and the Armand's had a crawfish boil. So that was our March in a nutshell. Enjoy the pics!

Yes, it finally happend. After 3 1/2 years, we decided it was time for Dower to get his first haircut. Actually I should say his first trim, since only about an inch was taken off. I would only trust Susie to do it and I'm sure she felt the pressure as Donovan stood right over her the whole time watching closely to make sure she didn't cut too much off. And she didn't, she did exactly what we asked. Dower sat so good and still during it and I think he really enjoyed getting his hair washed, I know that is always my favorite part.

Dower just woke up and was going to check out his Easter basket.
All dressed for church.
Hunting for Easter eggs at Uncle Bill's house w/ Gabi and Pace.
Easter was great this year. It was really the first time Dower got an Easter basket and did an Easter egg hunt and understood everything that was going on. He really had a lot of fun and it was great to watch him looking for the Easter eggs w/ Gabi and Pace. He really enjoyed it and of course loved getting the presents in his Easter basket..

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Donovan and Valerie at her volleyball tourney in Dallas.
me and Valerie.

Dower with all of his 1st cousins on the Anderson side. Valerie, Ferrell,Gabi, Stone and Pace.

February 2008

Ok I guess we didn't do too much this month, or at least not that was captured as Dower eating blueberries or should I say,putting his face into a bowl of blueberries is all I could come up with. I swear it is blueberries and not a skin disease! Look on the ground behind Dower if you don't believe me.

January 2008

Jamaica Christmas 2007